Planning Support

Sector Landscape Analysis (Donors, peers and the sector as a whole)

Donor trends report provides you a custom report on how the trends are changing in the sector, what opportunities will no longer be available and what new avenues are opening up so you can plan ahead and seize the opportunities

Donor Mapping

Donor mapping matches your strategic objectives with donors funding in the same area so you target your efforts and prioritise your engagements and submissions.

Donor Research

If you wish to do a deep-dive on a donor of interest , we can provide that support that takes an in-depth look at donor ‘s strategic priorities, policies, and entry points and walks you through the process.

Peer Organization Research

We conduct a broad research on who is working in the same areas and how your organization can create a successful niche market while also being aware of the market and collaboration where possible.

Niche Development

We also help you pick the right niche market for your work to make your efforts more impactful.

Resource Mobilization Strategy Development

We help to set you up for success by planning for resources needed and setting targets. We provide a step-by-step guide n what needs to be done to achieve this success through a complementary action plan.

Partnerships Strategy Development

We recognize the importance of working with implementing partners and provide a strategy to make the collaboration more meaning and transparent at the same time.

Mid-Term Review of Resource Mobilization and Partnership Strategies

We help you assess your progress towards your goals by analysing the progress made mid-term and by providing recommendations to fast track the achievements.

Resource Mobilization Policy Development

We provide a policy framework to be used as a baseline for resource mobilization. The polices set a frame on what is permitted mode of operation to mobilize resources.

Partnerships Policy Development

We provide a policy framework to be used as a baseline for partnerships. The polices set a frame on of a transparent, clear partnerships strategy that offers satisfaction not only to you but also your implementing partners.

Shortlist of Most Relevant Consortium Partners

We also provide custom short-list of most relevant peer partners for your projects where you prefer to work in a consortium. We ensure that there is an alignment between the values it offers value addition to both organizations.

Feasibility Studies on Geographical Footprint

We offer strategic advice on the most effective geographical footprint for your organization to achieve optimal impact in a cost-effective way. We conduct feasibility studies to choose areas that offer sustainability of operations.

Book your free one-hour consultation today , please write to us at and learn how AIMS International can support your organization to achieve its aims.

+66 612200727

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